Giraffes are God’s natural “tree trimmers”!

🌳 🦒

Thanks Zan, excellent post!

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Hahaha - that's the ultimate answer! Thank you Charlotte - glad you enjoyed it

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I always do! Thank you for another well-written read! 🤗 💫

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That was a cool explanation.

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Thanks Anne, that feedback means a lot! Glad you enjoyed it - and hope you continue to enjoy the posts to come

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Yet that answer on a school examination is far more likely to get one sent to the school psychologists for redirect than to earn an "A."

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Aha yes - if only they learnt it in school that way !

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Haha Zan, this is important question that must be addressed! Loved your post, man.

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Glad you enjoyed it! Question of the highest order indeed. But I hope I tricked my readers into reading something new in the process ;)

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Zan, this was great!

I so appreciate when people seek the deeper more complex answer, because as you so poignantly said, it is the more interesting answer because it’s true.

I also really appreciate that you didn’t leave the story with the giraffes, but instead laid out the implications of this story.

A really interesting and engaging piece, Zan.

And thanks for the shout as well — it is much appreciated it :)

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Very interesting 🤔 you leave a room for though and reflection

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Thank you Hannah!

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You didnt mention the main reason for giraffes having long necks is so they can win neck fights and get to mate with the females. This way the giraffe with the longest neck always passes on the best genes to the next generation. That is the real reason that giraffes have long necks, nothing to do with trees, everything to do with sex.

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True - the neck serves many purposes

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I have developed the idea that hormone activity speeds up evolution in some areas just by attention. The saying "energy flows where attention goes" is a description of hormone activity in our bodies, even if you are a giraffe. That is why penises are the fastest evolving part of most creatures anatomy, because they are placed right beside the hormone factory, and get a lot of attention, especially during mating season. The opposite explains redundancy, and bits of us that get no attention start to devolve. Evolution seems to get feedback in real time, and is more complex than we thought.

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